Annual Company Meeting and the Latest Employee(s) of the Season

Suzanne Whitton • May 21, 2018

Every year at the end of April we invite our head office team to a company meeting. This year over 30 of us gathered at the very beautiful South Hill Park  for lunch and to give everyone an overview of the last 12 months as well as our aims for 2018/19.

Over the last 12 months our head office team has gained 10 new employees, the majority of whom are in  brand new roles created due to a year of exceptional growth.

We started the afternoon with a quiz. Questions ranged from ‘ How many times has Monique unloaded the dishwasher in the last 12 months? ‘ (clue: it’s been a rare occurrence) to ‘What age is our oldest cleaner? ‘ (FYI 83!).

There were some intense moments.

Rapid Quiz company meetingThe competitive spirit was definitely flowing!

A group of people are sitting around a table talking

We also took the opportunity to announce the winner of our Employee of the Season as nominated by colleagues. This season we had three people who came out on top.

First up was  Becki Lee , our HR Administrator who joined us in October 2017. It didn’t take long for Becki to make an impression on her colleagues…

“Becki is thoughtful in her work, more than happy to help where she can and is always a joy to be around.”

“She’s brilliant at her job. Gets things done effectively and on time. Very thorough and attentive.”

“Lovely colleague who is very helpful when needed…and she bakes the best cakes!”

Two men and a woman are posing for a picture and the woman is holding a certificate

Sabeeh Tahir is also a relative ‘newbie’ to Rapid, joining our Operations team in December 2017. He’s a great asset to the team and clearly his colleagues agree…

“Very good guy. Always happy and willing to help.”

“A very calming influence. A great team player!”

“Sabeeh is most helpful when I am asking questions regarding his contract and he is very efficient in answering queries I have for him.”

Three men are standing next to each other in a room holding a certificate.

Last but not least is Gareth Love who has been a Rapid employee since August 2004. Gareth is a popular member of the team and in fact this is the second time he has been crowned ‘Employee of the Season’. His colleagues certainly had some good things to say about him…

“It’s great to have a colleague that you can trust to get the important things sorted, without fuss. Gareth is humble, a laugh and will always offer to help, regardless of the situation.”

“If I ask him for any help I have never known him to say he is too busy or NO.”

“Overall a very positive person and I think he is a great asset to Rapid.”

Gareth Love Directors AwardGareth was clearly on a winning streak that day as he also won the Directors’ Award for Continuous Improvement. This is what Jeff, Rapid’s Managing Director had to say about Gareth:

“Gareth has worked for Rapid for many years, responsible for taking on our first few contracts on the south coast. He has been a big part of developing that geography over the years. When considering candidates for the directors’ award this year we looked at both a commitment to teamwork and continual improvement – Gareth has excelled in both of these areas! Not only has he done a great job in motivating and developing his own team, he has always been the first to offer help in other regions.”

Well done to our three very worthy winners.Thank you to all of our customers and employees who have helped make the last 12 months a success for Rapid. Our aim every year is to ensure that we continually improve our service offering by reinvesting in people, technology and business systems.

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