St John the Evangelist C of E Primary School, Oxfordshire - School Cleaning Case Study

Suzanne Whitton • June 8, 2023
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St John the Evangelist CE Primary School in Carterton, Oxfordshire, is a voluntary aided school with around 450 pupils attending on a daily basis. Rapid Clean has been providing a cleaning service to this school since 2015 and we thought it was high time we caught up with the Business Manager to see how things are going.

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A Long History with Rapid Clean

John, the school’s Business Manager, remembers our original site visit back in 2014…

“We were in-house at the time and being in a rural location, were constantly having staffing issues. When one person was off, we never had any cover and this was becoming a problem. Outsourcing seemed a sensible solution.”

We asked John what made him choose Rapid Clean over the other providers…

“When we looked at all the companies who came out to visit, Rapid Clean was competitively priced and seemed to have a lot of experience in the TUPE process and managing of staff.”

TUPE law dictates that all staff on site must be given the option to transfer to the new cleaning provider. Not all staff choose to transfer, but we recognise good staff when we see them and thankfully, Carol Wilson became a Rapid Clean employee. Carol quickly became the supervisor on site and was in fact our first ever Rapid Superstar in December 2015!

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Celebrating Great Teamwork!

In our experience, great teamwork is the key to a successful contract…

“The cleaning team is fantastic; Carol supervises brilliantly, and all the cleaners are very much part of the school team. Anna, Rapid Clean’s Contracts Manager, comes in to carry out the monthly audit and meets with our Site Manager to ensure he is happy. It all works really well.”

In fact, John couldn’t say enough about the hard-working, dedicated cleaners on site; when asking how the team faired under pressure…

“During Covid they worked brilliantly, doing extra work to ensure that all surfaces were sanitised daily. If cover was needed at any time, Rapid managed to provide it.”

There’s no getting away from the fact that a school that is based in a rural location can sometimes be difficult to staff; we asked John whether the issue with absences has been rectified…

“Rapid has managed to acquire local ‘bank’ staff to ensure that any shortfalls are covered. We rarely have absences, but if we do, Anna covers what she can and the local bank staff do the rest!”

A great working relationship thrives when values are aligned. St John the Evangelist clearly has the same commitment to valuing excellent people and encouraging teamwork. We thank John and all the staff at St John the Evangelist School, for their dedication to the Rapid Clean team. And a huge thank you to our loyal and hard-working cleaners at this site – Carol, Tiegan, Ivor and Michelle - we couldn’t do it without you!

St John the Evangelist CE Primary School is just one of the 150 establishments that we currently service in the education sector. If you would like to find out more about our school cleaning service and how we might be able to improve your cleaning standards, please make an enquiry.

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