We have helped many customers make savings of up to 10% by moving away from individual desk bins to a central bin system. Emptying individual bins on a daily basis is very time consuming and often unnecessary in a modern working environment. Central general waste and recycle options also reduce the need for bin-liners saving costs and impact on the environment.
Many offices now have hybrid working and certain days when their office is very quiet. Have you considered whether you really need cleaning on a daily basis? Cleaning only 3 times a week can even work for larger offices if employees are responsible for doing the basics like washing up their own cups and mugs. An alternative is carrying out a sparkle clean (toilets, emptying bins, cleaning the kitchen) 2 days a week and a full clean on the other days.
It really is amazing how much tea and coffee one individual can consume in a day! To reduce the time your cleaner spends collecting 3-4 cups per desk, consider asking your employees to place their mugs in the kitchen at the end of the day. To take it one step further, why not invest in a dishwasher that will save the time spent manually cleaning?
Rapid Clean we generally price on a minimum of 2 hours cleaning per day to make it worthwhile for the cleaner. If your site doesn’t require the full 2 hours, but your next door neighbour is in a similar position, why not consider clubbing together and sharing the cleaner? This can work well for companies that are all operating out of the same building.
This sounds like an obvious point, but the tidier the building, the less time the cleaner needs to get it looking ship shape. By encouraging a clear desk policy in your workplace, you will save time and therefore money.
Following the recent government budget announcement, we know how important it is for businesses to save money where they can. If you want to find out how Rapid Clean might be able to assist you in reducing costs, please contact us.
Rapid Commercial Cleaning Services Ltd