Of course it's important to convey appreciation every day, but Employee Appreciation Day provides a fantastic opportunity to lay it on extra thick! We have a number of secret plans up our sleeve to ensure every Rapid employee feels appreciated for the work that they do.
If you're looking for some ideas on how you can show appreciation to your employees, below are some ideas that we may or may not be using (you'll have to follow us on
LinkedIn or
Twitter to find out what we actually go with). If this has taken you by surprise and you now realise that you only have 24 hours to organise something, we've kept them very simple...
1. Thank You Notes
A simple hand written note often means more than any grand gesture. Ask your senior management team to write a personalised note to every employee and put it on the desk when they come into work.
2. Phone Call or Email
It's not always possible to see every employee in person so why not take the time to pick up the phone and tell your employees what you appreciate about them? If you would prefer to put it in writing so that they can keep it then this is also an excellent way of conveying your appreciation.
3. Organise a Special Breakfast
Why not surprise your employees with a special breakfast laid out for them when they arrive into work? This will not only help people feel appreciation but it will encourage social interaction between colleagues.
4. Let Your Employees Choose an Activity
Have you got teams out in the field who might not be able to enter into the office festivities? Give them a small budget to celebrate together as a team with an activity of their choosing.
5. Fun Awards
We have the serious awards, how about creating some of your own fun awards that celebrate the more unique attributes or personality traits of your employees? Humour always goes down well!
6. Donate to Charity
Instead of giving a monetary reward direct to employees, consider asking for some charity nominations and giving a donation. It doesn’t need to be a huge amount, but your team members will appreciate the fact that you’re expressing interest in something they believe in or care about.
7. Thank You Video
If there are a large number of employees in your organisation, a thank you video from the Managing Director could add a really personal touch. Upload it to Vimeo or another suitable hosting platform and share it on an email.
8. Company Newsletter
If you don't have one already, now would be a great time to start a newsletter! Use this space to recognise exceptional workers and celebrate achievements with the rest of the organisation.
In short, as long as it's positive, you can't go wrong! Have fun celebrating your employees on Employee Appreciation Day and do share with us on social media if you use any of these ideas.
Rapid Commercial Cleaning Services Ltd