The British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) is a historic institution, founded in 1961, when Eric Hill, the brains behind BICSc, gathered together a small committee to begin raising the profile of the cleaning industry as a profession, through education and accredited training.
Today, they boast over 10,000 individual and corporate members across the UK and internationally. We decided that now would be a good time to look into acquiring this prestigious qualification. I caught up with
Paul Claxton, Rapid’s Operations Director , to find out the thoughts behind this….
The official BICSc accreditation is the gold standard of training in the cleaning industry. Pitching ourselves to be the best contract cleaning provider in the South of England, we need to ensure sure that our staff are equipped to provide a cleaning service to match. We are committed to investing in our staff and keeping up to date with the latest developments in the industry and this seemed the next logical step.
Our Operations Manager and I attended a week-long course in September of this year. You might think that learning the seven basic cleaning skills is a bit like ‘shutting the door after the horse has bolted’ but it was actually very interesting! The course entailed a mixture of practical training as well as theory and we learnt so much.
Rapid now has four qualified in-house BICSc assessors and our head office in Sunninghill has been certified as a BICSc training centre. This means that we can now assess and certify our own staff to BICSc standard. We have always been committed to training our staff and BICSc formulises this commitment. One of the most positive aspects to becoming a BICSc training centre is that it gives our staff the opportunity to acquire a recognised industry qualification.
Our customers should have even more confidence that they are being looked after by a motivated and qualified team. In addition to this, BICSc ensures that we are implementing best working practices from a Health & Safety point of view – always a good thing!
Rapid Commercial Cleaning Services Ltd